Book a seat at the teppanyaki
You can book a teppanyaki seat here
If it's not working. Please call or sent a Whatsapp message to +31 50 3600329 so that we can help you personally
Please cancel your reservation if you come due to health or other reason
Reservation system not working? Call or sent a Whatsapp message to +31 50 3600329
No confirmation? Please check your SPAM folder
Guests |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Bij groepen groter dan zes personen graag bellen naar 050 3600329
Datum |
jan 15 wo | jan 16 do | jan 17 vr | jan 18 za | jan 19 zo | jan 20 ma | jan 21 di | ... |
Tijd |
Wij kunnen uw reservering helaas niet verwerken omdat wij gesloten zijn op de door u geselecteerde datum.
Reserveren is niet mogelijk op geselecteerde dag. Selecteer een andere dag.
Guests: | 2 |
Date: | |
Tijd: |
Voer de juiste naam in
Voer de juiste telefoon in
Voer een correct e-mailadres in
Bedankt voor uw reservering!
We have received your request and will process it shortly. Please note that your reservation is not confirmed until you receive written confirmation from us.
Your reservation number for reference:
If you have an existing reservation, please click here to cancel .
Thank you for canceling your booking!
Thank you for canceling your booking. We have received your request and will process it shortly.
Please enter correct booking number
Please enter name, phone or email
Please enter reason